14.10.2014 | 18:19
In English I have been working on a group project about animals. We worked on the project in a group and in my group were me, Heišsķs, Hildur and Hrefna. We chose to write about the piranha fish. We wrote about where it lives, how it looks like, what it eats and how it behaves. We split the project up into parts and worked two and two together on the diffrent parts. I and Heišdķs wrote about where it lives and how it looks like while Hildur and Hefna wrote about what it eats and how it behaves. When we were done with the text we did a poster on glogster.com and put the text, photos and a video on glogster. After that we did a presentation and presented it to our class.
This project was fun and I learned that the piranha can live in the wild for 25 years and that they somtimes eat their own babies.
Here, you can see our project
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